Caring Hopeful Murderers

This is a rant, take it with a grain of salt because maybe it's all ego:

It’s easy to call Obama a murderer because that is what he is, but if that’s true, what are you? Do you vote? Do you not vote? Either way, whether you are part of the system or delusionally committed to being outside the system, you are part of the problem, because there is no outside to this system. Are you a person? A human? Cool, you’re involved. It might feel good to imagine you would never kill a man or sign off on a drone attack, but to do so is an amazing divorce from the realities of the world you live in, Mr. BringOurGirlsBack.

You were born into a world you did not create and you do not get to simply opt out of your DNA, your heritage, what you are and what you will inevitably be if you do not stop talking bullshit. Please don’t be bullshit, we are inexhaustibly, exhaustingly supplied with the substance, it’s source unknowable, but the knowledge there is always more where that came from is as sure as death.  Don’t bullshit yourself, you’re part of the problem. Now fucking rejoice, because it’s great to feel the weight of being a Good Person lift off your shoulders.

It’s easy to call Obama a murderer, because it’s true, but simply spouting facts at people is the act of a fuckhead. I grew up watching Hollywood bullshit about journos blowing the lid off a story, of plucky plucksters releasing stories to every TV news outlet, orchestrating an amazing moment of sudden truthality and guess what? It’s a total and crushing mound of bullshit that dropped from space would create a crater the size of America’s failure to live up to it’s bullshit. The truth is not the point, the story is the point. Our boys go to war because they are fed awesome bullshit from the cradle on and no amount of facts will penetrate the fantasy. Blah numbers of people died in blah conflict? My gun is a cock. The end.

Obama became Prez because he told a story. Oddly, the story was Hope, which is exactly what we’re up against. Hope? Fuck Hope with a staple gun, Hope should be waterboarded until it tells us who sent it here. In my awesome story Hope is a trick to mindfuck us out of facing the facts of our existence, which you see is also why spouting facts is fucking useless. You’re talking to hope addicts and they will fold in half if you tell them the one thing they believe is holding it all together is the one thing holding us all back. Hope is for jacking off and sport. Thanks to hope, adults can’t have an adult conversation along the lines of it being much better to have lying pieces of shit in power when the other choice is crazy fucks bent on mass slaughter. Obama is a murderer but the other guys are genocidal. Fuck hope, let’s sit down because we need to talk.

There is no outside to this system, you don’t get to vegan your way to purity and from there judge the rest of us for not “caring”. Fuck caring too. Caring and Hope can play Russian Roulette while I watch and drink and shuffle sweet tunes. There’s no end to the preciousness and it’s such a crying shame that people acting at being a nice person are inserting themselves into real dramas like that of the 200+ kidnaped Nigerian schoolgirls. 200 girls have been taken and your answer is awareness raising through hashtags? You’re twitter feed now consists of you angrily telling us we don’t care, that white people don’t care that care factors are at critical levels? Can I ask you what the fuck you’re talking about? How are you keeping track? Does care give off some kind of radiation you sense with your hope glands? I think you might be a bit of a gland handler actually, because if you “cared”, you’d spend some time getting a bit of background and see that people in the West have no place in this situation. Why is that when something knee-tremblingly terrible happens the first thing people who care do is hand over their power to people like Michelle Obama, who I will remind you is married to Barack Obama, who is a murderer. What you have done is yell at 200 kidnaped girls, “My gun is a cock”.

Bullshit stories have turned everything public into very hard work. People who would never support a drone strike are whipping up bone headed hysteria over a case that I imagine actually requires men we call “police” making a thing we call “arrests”. We are now back at the same awesome place as 2001: awesomely caring awesome Liberals forgetting entirely about justice and law in a mad rush to care at a rate of thousands of bullets a minute.

We are part of the problem so when a bad thing happens smart people take a few steps back and get their bearings. It’s kind of emotional. Probably best to not turn on your allies for not wearing Scream masks of concern. Probably best to concentrate. That hasn’t happened. People who know about Nigeria continue to be ignored as people like Michelle Obama get their care on and caring happens and caring’s great and now we’re all caring.

I don’t care about those 200 girls, I can’t, it looks like they’re doomed, because we are at war with a military industrial complex whose two most powerful weapons are nukes and Disney. I don’t think about hope, I think about wanting to be alive and living and life. Bullshit concepts don’t push my pursuit of these forward one inch, so they are dead to me.

When people pursue this non-angle of caring and hope I strongly feel what they’re really doing is calling in drone strikes that will kill random people. That’s something to worry about, however caring people don’t like worry. Worry kills positivity. That’s a whole other rant. 


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