Worthless Children

Thanks to 70's women's magazine feminism Mother realised she didn't need to ruin my childhood in person and using an airplane as her getaway vehicle, left the burden to Father, who did the work of two parents in this regard, terrorising us like a true penal colony prison guard. The despair continued  until I answered back one extra black day, inspiring him to deliver a character assassination speech that destroyed what was probably my soul. He then kicked me out of the house and offered me cutlery. I declined as I didn't feel deserving of knives and forks for some reason.

Life on the Outside consisted of drinking heavily to mask my phobia about communicating using just my personality, as Father's many long speeches had me believing I was an unsightly coldsore full of lies about not being a pus bubble. I also drank because I'm a people person who loves taking a short break from sparkling conversation to go vomit in a piss-spattered cubicle. And people wonder why I everything. There needs to be a joke here, but there is no joke, there is only pain.

I would hear back that Father was hurt his boys only called to brag about their achievements, which is weird because I recall being too scared to raise my voice unless I'd won a prize or some shit, knowing that I would be shot down anyway or even be met with the epic silence of the control freak who can't process his children's achievements.

The good news is once us two older boys were gone from the house the youngest copped three whole sons worth of hate fired into his 16 year old heart. What a lucky boy and if he ever recovers I'll...cheer up.

So anyway when I was 27 I began my proper decline into mental illness, in no small part because everyone always said my father was A Great Guy. For a while I sort of wandered around being crazy until I couldn't take it anymore and.... made the decision to call my father. We moved into a small flat together so I could relive my childhood, with him delivering epic speeches about my obvious and sad worthlessness. It wasn't all bad, I got to work in a kitchen as an underpaid dishwasher and imagine dealing with being on the bottom rung of the shit ladder for ten more years. Wrong! It was fifteen!

(Actually it was more but I don't want to be a Debbie Downer.)




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