Get Fucked As Usual

So if you didn't pick it up, my reaction to the reaction to Tony Abbott's ascension to Prime Minister is, "Your reaction sucks. If you are grief stricken by this news I am absolutely begging you to explain to me how you didn't know this was going to happen months ago. You fuck. You fucking fuck. Etcetera."

Tony Abbott was always going to be PM and your sense of shock borders on the criminal. I am distressed that a large chunk of the community is this lacking in clues.

Don't get me wrong. My capacity to be outraged is infinite, but in this case it is directed at the cupcakes who, since the election results exploded like a completely predictable shitbomb on a doormat, have wandered the streets wailing and tearing their stupid haircuts out.

Maybe I'm just being mean. Maybe I don't get what a terrible surprise this is to people who clearly sleep with their heads up their arse so even their dreams are full of shit.

Maybe I'm heartless, but to those who are so bowled over by the obvious I extend my heartlessness to you: you are too thick to be caring about stuff. Your caring is not helping because you are wrong about important things.

I say this to make me feel better and you feel worse.



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