The Horribly Disappointing Not Revolutionary Left

So the union movement is not exactly gearing up for an excess of passion right now. Pretty worrying, but that's the bureaucratic Left for you. The amendments to the Summary Offences Act will be rammed through in the State of Victoria and so far the office champs have pumped out a video that looks like it was made by a Centralized Union Neutering Team.

The union movement needs to fuck off it's own 1%, the union movement needs a revolution, the union movement has been decapitated by technocrats, it's a waste, a disaster, a showbag: looks good, but full of shit.

But let's not pretend the Worker has no part in this. I've spoken with unionists who shake their head at the materialistic focus of people well paid only because people like themselves fought the bosses. Now those people's lives seem to revolve around being able to buy shit, talk shit about that shit, all of this a replacement for giving a shit.

Let's face it, fucktard nationalism has replaced making yourself useful. It takes no initiative to sit on a stool and regurgitate Rupert Murdoch's baby food, it takes no effort to sit on that pedestal with your head up your arse, basking in the glory of living in the lucky country and with no idea who made all this possible. It wasn't the bosses, that's for sure.

The bosses pay people like the IPA to use megaphones like the ABC to spout drivel about the evils of government, but what they are trying to destroy is any idea of participating in your own nation's decision making. All of it is connected and the unions used to inform their members of these things, but at this stage of the game the members don't want to hear it and the dominant careerists at the top? They're clones of the dominant careerists in government, the military, healthcare, the NGO-industrial-complex, you name it, these technospazzes reflect each other beautifully, perfectly formed turds shat out by the 1%.

The 1% sit above all this like a child with a magnifying glass and when they focus on you, you hope this brush with unimaginable wealth is good for your stupid fucking career. You will doing anything they ask, anything they suggest, anything they seem to maybe just a little bit hinting at. They say "Jump", you say, "I'm buying a nice house."

You are convinced this career path is just because you have been stuffed full of the importance of a particular kind of family: the smallest possible breeding unit, the nuclear family, separated like terrorist cells, hiding at home, cluelessly focused on your impossibly magical children, unconcerned that you are damning them to an empty future. A future excreted by arseholes like you who refuse to see the truth in front of your face because you're taking another fucking photo of your lifestyle.

The police will be granted terrifying new powers in the State of Victoria because you're on a holiday from your own life.

I hope we discover I am unhinged and everything's actually fine. 


  1. Because they are socialised and believe that there is no alternative
    to capitalism worth striving for. Given a choice between the USA,
    France and West Germany and the USSR, the PRC and the DDR, most on
    either side of the wall have made it clear that they will choose the
    former. Thus, it's very easy to see why Thatcher's TINA was accepted
    by most of the left (not the Marxist-Leninists who had their own
    peculiar brand of wage-slavery to sell) opposition to conservative
    solutions to the issues which are raised under the rule of Capital.

    I think the critique of the wage system which Marx began and which was
    largely abandoned by the left in the 20th century is the key to
    getting people to see that 'storming the barricades' is an option.


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