Demons With Offices

 Demons With Offices

Robodebt was this very good idea where the government made up fake debts for people to pay back and lots of those people then lost all hope and killed themselves. Now I’m not saying it wasn’t a great system- let’s face it, it was almost perfect- but in the end the government has had to make massive compensatory payouts. So what we have here is a government spending a lot of money to murder it’s own taxpayers. It just seems messy.

Of course no one is going to pay for what was done. Not a single bureaucrat or politician will suffer anything other than an insanely creative promotion to a position with perks that would make the average holidaymaker burst into tears of religious gratitude. I would like to tell you I am cynical enough to have known this before I learned it last week, but no. Until last week I assumed that heads would roll. I, despite having interacted with uniformed officers of the laws of this world’s best practice country, thought some measure of justice might be possible.

Never has poverty been so extremely obvious about it’s origins in the halls of power. Never has mental illness, self harm and suicide been so instantly traceable to the people who are trying on actual purpose to make citizens feel that way. They knew they were doing it and they did it anyway. They loved it. They were stoked to be fucking over people who were already suffering.

How do I know these people masturbate to mental images of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme in action? Because not one of them said, “I am deeply ashamed of my conduct. I had no idea I was such a piece of shit, but it’s clear that I am and I want to admit that, in some hope that I might win my soul back.” They don’t give a rat’s arse.

Yes, there were lower level whistleblowers and yes, every single person in every single position senior to them shut them down, often in a ranting, screaming, evil panic. And none of these animals will be dragged through the streets by one foot, because we don’t do mean punishments unless your life is already fucked. If you’re rich, it’s not that the law doesn’t apply to you, it’s that we accidentally on purpose forgot to write laws that could apply to you.

It’s like the American fear of making it legally possible to bring Russian war criminals to justice. Sorry, can’t do that I’m afraid, because we’d be opening a 100% made in the USA Pandora’s war crimes box.

Good heavens, I’ve had it up to pussy’s bow with these beggars. I am never letting anyone talk me out of the possibility of revolution ever again. Get fucked.


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