Tweeting at private schooled homeowners

If you went to a private school and/or own a house you have many worthless opinions, so don't feel bad, your privilege does have drawbacks.

You probably blame climate change on shopping.

You think unions are "thuggish".

You look at the fucking labels on products to end slavery.

You feel bad and call it anxiety.

You're very aware of your diet.

You lean left from very far right.

You think you're a "good" person and if not you not do everything for your horrible family who all have surnames as first names.

Everything about you is fucking off and weird and you know it and you think it's worth it.

You have drunk your own piss twice, once as a dare when you were young and almost had a personality and once for health reasons as a boring adult.

Your children are horrifyingly self aware and knowing little cunts who mask their terror at making a mistake by becoming shut-in laptop musos.

You worry about issues and you call them issues.

You're extreme vanity fit or I hate everybody unhealthy.

You are somewhere on the Nazi Spectrum. Sorry cunt, you fuckin are ya dog.

Your single issue wokeness is double shithouseness.

You sort of hate lefties.

Even if you're not on this list you still are.

You have paved the way for fascism because you're a fucking smartarse who doesn't listen.


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