War Movies
The Hurt Locker. A man who doesn't like feeling extremely alive is trapped in a supermarket.
Zero Dark Thirty. Jessica Chastain is so driven a man's head explodes.
Saving Private Ryan. Every American is murdered on a beach.
American Sniper. An American sniper struggles to build a new life for himself in Iraq.
Fury. Brad Pitt absorbs five hand grenades with his balls and then you can see a flag and it's the Stars'n'Stripey.
12 strong. A war movie is terrible but people who want to join up won't notice.
Lone Survivor. The ex-serviceman who killed 13 college kids gave it five stars.
Zero Dark Thirty. Jessica Chastain is so driven a man's head explodes.
Saving Private Ryan. Every American is murdered on a beach.
American Sniper. An American sniper struggles to build a new life for himself in Iraq.
Fury. Brad Pitt absorbs five hand grenades with his balls and then you can see a flag and it's the Stars'n'Stripey.
12 strong. A war movie is terrible but people who want to join up won't notice.
Lone Survivor. The ex-serviceman who killed 13 college kids gave it five stars.
Wonder woman. Hillary Clinton fails to win an election.
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