Waaaaah trump is naughty

There are hard limits on how anti-Trump anyone can be, but Trump can always be more Trump. That's why the Democrats have to move left.

Of course it's right to be anti-Trump, but it doesn't create anything, there's no space there. There's no win in hating an asshole all day long.

I understand the Democrats are 98% bullshit and it's pretty much Hillary Clintons all the way down, but anti-Trumpism is a form of entertainment.

The Democrats (and probably the USA) have no hope if they don't dump the anti-Trump pantomime and move to the left in a big fucking way.

Why I am writing about this too-obviousness. Because all of us are going to die horribly if liberal nice person civility minded normal people don't wake the fuck up.

Being so angry at Trump that you just end up taking it all out on lefties won't work one more day.


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